Mercury Configuration

Mercury uses a toml configuration file. this documentation will go through each section to explain the configurable items of each section

Global Settings

Settings are defined in the [settings] block. options are:

Key Option Default Values Description
[settings] manage_network_interfaces "yes" "yes"/"no" allow mercury to add vip's to the network interfaces - required for internal proxy or for haproxy who does not add vip's.
[settings] enable_proxy "yes" "yes"/"no" use internal proxy for loadbalancing - not needed for external proxy programs, or dns only setup.


Log settings are defined in the [logging] block. options are:

Key Option Default Values Description
[logging] level "info" "(debug/info/warn/error)" log level with debug being the most informative.
[logging] output "/var/log/mercury" "(stdout/file)" location to write the log information to Web Settings.


Web interface settings are defined in the [web] block. options are:

Key Option Default Values Description
[web] binding "" string ip for the web interface to listen on
[web] port 9001 int port for the web interface to listen on
[web.tls] tls none see TLS Attributes TLS certificate information required for SSL
[web.auth.password] username none sha256 password username/password for admin rights in the gui (replace username with the username, and password with the sha256 of a password)
[web.auth.ldap] host none "hostname/ip" host of your ldap server
[web.auth.ldap] port 389 int port of your ldap server
[web.auth.ldap] method "tls" "tls/ssl" how to connect to your ldap server, ssl or tls
[web.auth.ldap] binddn none string the path to your CN (ex. "OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com"), we will apply the filter to this DN to find the user after authentication
[web.auth.ldap] filter none string filter to apply in binddn to find user (%s replaces the username used in login) (ex. "(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(uid=%s))")
[web.auth.ldap] domain none string the domain to prepend to the username during login
[web.auth.ldap.tls] tls none see TLS Attributes set insecureskipverify = true if required


Cluster settings are defined in the [cluster] block. options are:

Key Option Default Values Description
[cluster.binding] name "" string Name of the cluster group
[cluster.binding] addr "" string ip to bind on for cluster communication
[cluster.binding] authkey "" string key required to connect to this cluster
[cluster.settings] connection_timeout 10 int (seconds) timeout connecting to remote cluster
[cluster.settings] connection_retry_interval 10 int (seconds) time in between retries connecting to the cluster
[cluster.settings] ping_interval 11 int (seconds) how often to send a ping to the remote host
[cluster.settings] ping_timeout 10 int (seconds) host long to wait for a ping timeout (generally 1 second less then interval)
[cluster.settings] port 9000 int port to listen on for cluster communication
[cluster.tls] none see TLS Attributes TLS certificate information required for SSL
[[cluster.nodes]] array of loadbalancer nodes to connect to and form a cluster
[[cluster.nodes]] name string name of a cluster node
[[cluster.nodes]] addr string address of a cluster node
[[cluster.nodes]] authkey string key used to connect to this cluster node


DNS settings are defined in the [dns] block. options are:

Key Option Default Values Description
[dns] binding "" string binding ip for dns service
[dns] port 53 int binding port for dns service
[dns] allow_forwarding [] ["ip/mask"] array of cidrs to allow dns forwarding requests
[dns] allow_requests [ "A", "AAAA", "NS", "MX", "SOA", "TXT", "CAA", "ANY", "CNAME", "MB", "MG", "MR", "WKS", "PTR", "HINFO", "MINFO", "SPF" ] ["types"] array of dns requests types we respond to

TLS Attributes

TLS attributes are appended to any of the TLS keys in the config.

Usable in the settings for: cluster, web, listener, backend and Healthcheck

Key Option Default Values Description
[parent.tls] minversion "VersionTLS12" string Minimum TLS version required for this listener
[parent.tls] maxversion "" string Maximum TLS version required for this listener
[parent.tls] ciphersuites all ["cipher"] Cipher suites used by the listener (note that TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 is required for HTTP/2 support. see for details
[parent.tls] curvepreferences all ["curve"] Curve preference used by the listener. see for details.
[parent.tls] certificatekey "" "/path/to/file" file containing your ssl key
[parent.tls] certificatefile "" "/path/to/file" file containing your ssl certificate file
[parent.tls] insecureskipverify false true/false to to true to ignore insecure certificates, usable for self-signed certificates
[parent.tls] clientauth NoClientCert string server' policy for client authentication, see for details

TLS Min/Max version

Supported versions are:

For details:

TLS Ciphersuites

Supported ciphersuites are:

For details:

The 4 cipers below are need for the best SSL-Labs certificate but do not support HTTP/2, the HTTP/2 one will slightly downgrade your score

These 3 ciphers are avilable for TLS1.3

TLS Curve preferences

Supported Curve preferences:

ACL Attributes

ACL attributes can adjust headers, cookies or allow/deny clients based on ip/headers

To adjust headers towards the client a rule should be applied on the outboundacl

To allow/deny clients based on headers/ip's a rule should be applied on the inboundacl

the ACL attribute should be an Array of acl's, you can add multiple.

Usable in the settings for: pools and backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[[parent.inboundacl]] inbound ACL's are applied on requests from loadbalancer to the backend - needs to be an array of ACL's executed top to bottom
[[parent.outboundacl]] outbound ACL's are applied on requests from loadbalancer to the client - needs to be an array of ACL's executed top to bottom
... action "" see acl actions below action to do when matching
... headerkey "" string key of header (ex. "Content-Type")
... headervalue "" string value of the header (ex. "UTF8")
... cookiekey "" string key of the cookie
... cookievalue "" string value of the cookie
... cookiepath "" string path of the cookie
... cookieexpire "" datetime expire date of the cookie
... cookiehttponly bool httponly cookie
... cookiesecure bool secure cookie
... conditiontype "" string header/cookie status type to match with regex
... conditionmatch "" string regex string to match
... urlmatch "" regex match a request URL (e.g. /my/path/(.*)$ )
... urlrewrite "" regex rewrite a request URL (e.g. /new/path/$1) (does not work with the ACL special keys)
... statuscode int status code to return to the client (e.g. 500)
... cidrs ["ip/nm"] cidr for use with allow/deny acl's (e.g.
... urlpath "" regex string request path to which this acl applies. if path is set and does not match, acl is ignored. (e.g. ^/path/to/file )

ACL Actions

Action ACL Type Result
Allow Inbound will deny a client if non of the allowed rules matches the client header/ip
Deny Inbound will deny a client if any of the deny rules matches the client header/ip
Rewrite Inbound will rewrite a url based on urlmatch and urlrewrite
Add Inbound/Outbound Adds a header/cookie given match. Only if it does not exist.
Replace Inbound/Outbound Replaces a header/cookie/status code given match. Only if it exists.
Remove Inbound/Outbound Removes a header/cookie given match Only if it exists
Modify Inbound/Outbound Modifies the supplied value of an existing entry (only works for Cookies)

ACL special keys

The following special keys are translated in the ACL to a value. All values are placed between 3 hashes(#) on both sides. for example: ###NODE_ID###

Key Value
NODE_ID returns the uuid of the backend node
NODE_IP returns the ip of the backend node
LB_IP returns the ip of the listener
REQ_URL returns the requested host + path
REQ_PATH returns the requested path
REQ_QUERY returns the encoded query values without the leading '?'
REQ_HOST returns the requested host
REQ_IP returns the ip of the requested host
CLIENT_IP returns the remote addr of the client
UUID returns a random UUID

ACL Deny/allows

ACL's can be set to add/replace/modify headers, or to allow/deny requests based on headers/cidr (see examples above).

To use ALLOW/DENY, you must use the INBOUND acl. you cannot mix allow and deny ACL's together, this will result in only the allow beeing processed.


[[loadbalancer.pools.INTERNAL_VIP_LB.inboundacls]] action = "deny" header_key = "User-Agent" header_value = ".*Macintosh.*"

[[loadbalancer.pools.INTERNAL_VIP_REDIRECT.backends.redirect.outboundacls]] action = "add" header_key = "Location" header_value = "https://###REQ_HOST######REQ_PATH###"

[[loadbalancer.pools.INTERNAL_VIP_LB.inboundacls]] action = "allow" cidrs = ["", ""]

Stickyness Loadbalancing ACL

To use Stickyness you Must apply the following ACL. this will ensure that the correct cookie gets set to direct the client to its sticky backend node

action = "add"
cookie_expire = "24h"
cookie_httponly = false
cookie_key = "stky"
cookie_secure = true
cookie_value = "###NODE_ID###"

should the client be directed to another node that its initial sticky cookie, because its unavailable, we need to make sure that this new node is the sticky node for all future requests.

we do this by overwriting the node id with the ID of the new node.

action = "replace"
cookie_expire = "24h"
cookie_httponly = false
cookie_key = "stky"
cookie_secure = true
cookie_value = "###NODE_ID###"

adds a stky cookie with the node_id the client is connected to

SSL offloading adding/removing of Secure cookie add secure flag with responses to client we serve using https

action = "modify"
cookie_key = "ssloffloadedcookie"
cookie_secure = true

remove secure flag with responses to server listening on http

action = "modify"
cookie_key = "ssloffloadedcookie"
cookie_secure = false

rewrite all urls behind "/old/path" to "/new"

action = "rewrite"
urlmatch = "/old/path/(.*)$"
urlreplace = "/new/$1"

Rules Script

Rules can be applied in the form of scripts, the script can work with some basic testing

Scripts support the following functions:

Function Parameters example description
if 3 if $(variable) == "http" {...} * value1 ("string" or number e.g. 12345)
equator for strings: ==, !=, regex / for numbers: ==, <=, >=, !=
value2 ("string" or number to compare value 1 with) or regex "st[r]"
value3 what to compare it with
if a value needs to be parsed, enclose it like: $(value1) or $(value2)
the statement if followed by curly brackets {...} to form the block which is executed if true
ifelse 3 elseif 1 == 1 {...} see if
else 0 else { .. } no parameter, the statement if followed by curly brackets {...} to form the block which is executed if true
var 2 var myvar = "hello" create a new variable, followed by a value:
param (name of parameter)
value (can be "string" or number)
log 1 log "hello world" log specified output to stdout
- value to log ("string" or $(parameter))
variable 2 variable = "https" equator (=)
new value ("string" or number or $(parameter))
// # infinite # testing comments, everything in comments is ignored
unset 1 unset response.header.server removes a specific variable, or set it to empty

note that when reading a variable you use $( when you set a variable you use

Rule Types:

The following rule types exist:

This diagram describes when the specific rule script is applied

Modifiable attributes

You can change/read all fields as defined in the Golang

Rule Examples:

Pre-Inbound Rule: rewrite request to proxy:

the following is an example to rewrite some field in the request header

if $( == "" {
  // setting this only has effect on inbound rule = ""
} ifelse $( == "" {
  // note that request will be treated as if it was for by the loadbalance mechanism = ""
} else {
  // do something

Inbound Rule: add api-key header to backend request for authentication on the backend server

  request.header.x-api-key = "abcdefghijklmnop"

Inbound Rule: deny clients based on Client certificate verification

if $(request.tls.peercertificates.0.Signature) != "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88" {
  response.statuscode = 404

Inbound Rule: deny clients based on IP

if $(client.ip) match_net "" {
  response.statuscode = 404

Inbound Rule: Advanced Path rewrite before sending to backend

if $(request.url.path) match_regex "/user/(.*)" {
  request.url.path replace_regex "/user/(.*)/" "/client/$1/"

Inbound Rule: Path rewrite with redirect

if $(request.url.path) match_regex "/user/(.*)" {
  request.url.path = "/client/$1"
  response.header.location = $(request.url)
  response.statuscode = 301

Outbound Rule: Remove Server Header

  unset response.header.server

ErrorPage Attributes

An error page is shown when an error is generated by Mercury, or if configured, when a 500 or higher error code is given by the backend application.

Usable in the settings for: pools and backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[..errorpage] file "" "/path/to/file" Path to html file to serve if an error is generated
[..errorpage] triggerthreshold int 500 threshold to show error page, if the backend application reply is >= this value, it will show the error page. set this to 600 or higher if you do not want the loadbalancer to show an error page if the application generates a 500+ error message

ErrorPage Handling

When a error page is set in the config, it will always show on internal errors (no backend available, or acl allow/deny) For errors given by a webserver you can use the trigger_threshold which will only trigger errors if the status code is equal or higher.

If you do not want the sorry page to show on return codes from the webserver, then set this to a higher number then the http error codes (e.g. 600 or up)

MaintenancePage Attributes

An maintenance page is shown when an healthcheck generates a "maintenance state" of if "maintenance" is set on a healthcheck via the gui As soon as there are no backends online, and one or more of the remaining node is in the state of "maintenance" this page will be shown. Any node in state maintenance will handle the existing requests, but no longer accept new requests.

Usable in the settings for: pools and backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[..errorpage] file "" "/path/to/file" Path to html file to serve if an error is generated

DNSEntry attributes

This specifies the dns entry for a backend, this will point to the loadbalancer serving the backend.

the dns entry will be balanced based across the loadbalancers based on the backend balance type.

Usable in the settings for: backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[..dnsentry] hostname "" string specifies the host entry for the dns record (e.g. "www")
[..dnsentry] domain "" string specifies the domain for the dns record (e.g. "")
[..dnsentry] ip "" string specifies the IP for the record. If omitted the IP of the Pool listener is used. You should specify this if the IP is different then the IP where mercury is listening on

Balance attributes

Loadbalancing is done based on the balance attributes. this applies to both global (dns) as internal (proxy) loadbalancing

Usable in the settings for: backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[..balance] method "" "leastconnected" This determains the type of load-balancing to apply (See Loadbalancing Methods below)
[..balance] local_topology [] ["ip/nm"] List of cidr's that defines the local network (e.g. [ "" ])
[..balance] preference int value used for preference based load-balancing
[..balance] weight int value used for weighted based load-balancing
[..balance] active_passive "no" "yes"/"no" set to yes if this will only be up on 1 of the clusters - only affects monitoring
[..balance] clusternodes calculated int (depricated) use serving_cluster_nodes instead
[..balance] serving_cluster_nodes calculated int the ammount of cluster nodes serving this backend - only affects monitoring (used for backend that are only available on 1 of multiple load-balancers)
[..balance] serving_backend_nodes calculated int the ammount of backend nodes serving this backend - only affects monitoring (used for when you expect x out of y nodes to be online always)

Loadbalancing Methods

Loadbalancing Methods are applied in reverse order, meaning that the last entry is the first type of loadbalancing method beeing applied. the mechanism only orders the nodes, so the last method beeing applied (first entry) matters the most.

Method Description
leastconnected balance based on current clients connected
leasttraffic balance based on traffic generated
preference balance based on preference set in node of backend (see preference attribute)
weighted balance based on weight set in node of backend (see weight details below)
random up to the rng gods
roundrobin try to switch them a bit
sticky balance based on sticky cookie. Important!: to apply sticky based loadbalancing you Must apply the Stickyness Loadbalancing ACL mentioned in the ACL Attribute section
topology balance based on topology based networks. Note that this topology will match the server making the dns request, which is your DNS Server, not the client. Ensure that your cliens use the DNS server of their topology for this to work
responsetime Loadbalance based on server response time, in theory a less busy server responds quicker, or if you have servers with difference service offerings. NOTE that this is a BETA Feature, and currently not suitable for production!
firstavailable This limits the DNS records returned to 1.

By default when balancing the available DNS records, all are returned. They are however ordered based on the loadbalancing methods above.

The following methods are an exception: sticky, topology and firstavailable. These methods will only return 1 record to ensure the client does not mistakenly connect to the second DNS record

Weighted loadbalancing

Weighted loadbalancing works by the weight set on the combined nodes.

For example if you have 2 nodes: - nodeA: 1 nodeB: 2 -> the sum is 3, so there is a 2/3rd chance of nodeB beeing selected - nodeA: 5 nodeB: 5 -> the sum is 10, so there is a 50% chance of either node beeing selected - nodeA: 9 nodeB: 1 -> the sum is 10, so there is a 90% chance of nodeA beeing selected

HealthCheck attributes

Health checks will be fired on backend nodes to ensure they can server requests. It is highly recommended to have a functional test here.

Usable in the settings for: pools and backends

Key Option Default Values Description
[[..healthchecks]] type "tcpconnect" See HealthCheck types for all available healthchecks to perform
[[..healthchecks]] tcprequest string the data to send to a tcp socket for testing
[[..healthchecks]] tcpreply string the reply expected to a tcp socket for testing
[[..healthchecks]] httprequest string the request sent to a webserver (e.g. "")
[[..healthchecks]] httppostdata string/special post data sent to the host, see Specials Keys below for special parameters in the post string
[[..healthchecks]] httpheaders ["arrayofstrings"] headers sent with the http request (e.g. [ 'Accept: application/json' ])
[[..healthchecks]] httpstatus 200 int http status code expected from backend
[[..healthchecks]] httpreply string/regex string/regex expected in http reply from backend
[[..healthchecks]] httpfollowredirect "yes" string makes the http healchecks follow redirects or not, note that this does not follow to different ports (e.g. 80 to 443)
[[..healthchecks]] sshuser "" string username to create a ssh session with
[[..healthchecks]] sshpassword "" string when set, use a password to authenticate
[[..healthchecks]] sshkey "" string ssh private key joined with line breaks (e.g. "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpAIBAA...FA==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
[[..healthchecks]] pingpackets 4 int number of ping packets to send (only when 100% packetloss this will be reported as down)
[[..healthchecks]] pingtimeout 1 int (seconds) timeout in seconds for each ping request
[[..healthchecks]] ip node.IP alternative IP to send request to
[[..healthchecks]] port node.Port alternative Port to send request to
[[..healthchecks]] sourceip listener.IP string alternative source IP to use when sending request
[[..healthchecks]] interval 10 int how often to check this backend
[[..healthchecks]] timeout 10 int (seconds) how long to wait for backend to finish its reply before reporting it in error state
[[..healthchecks]] online_state "online" online/offline/maintenance if the healtcheck sais its online, instead send this alternative state
[[..healthchecks]] offline_state "offline" online/offline/maintenance if the healtcheck sais its offline, instead send this alternative state
[[..healthchecks.tls]] [web.tls] tls none see TLS Attributes

HealthCheck types

The following types are available: Type | Description --- | --- tcpconnect | does a simple tcp connect tcpdata | connect to the host. sends tcprequest and expects tcpreply string to match the answer httpget | performs a GET request on the backend using the http* attributes. If httpreply is not provided only the httpstatus will be matched httppost | same as httpget, only performs a POST instead of a GET icmpping | does a icmpping for the amount of pingpackets and will report down if there is 100% packetloss tcpping | does a tcpping for the amount of pingpackets and will report down if there is 100% packetloss udpping | does a udpping for the amount of pingpackets and will report down if there is 100% packetloss ssh | does ssh authentication at the remote host

Special Keys

The following special keys are translated in the httppostdata to a value

All values are placed between 3 hashes(#) on both sides. for example: ###DATE### Key | Description --- | --- DATE | returns todays date in system timezone DATEUTC | returns todays date in UTC timezone DATE+(number)[s|m|h]FORMAT | returns todays date + number (seconds/minutes/hours) in FORMAT - see for FORMAT options DATE-(number)[s|m|h]FORMATUTC | returns todays date - number (seconds/minutes/hours) in UTC

example: httppostdata= "<date>###DATE+5m2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z|UTC###</date>" will post this xml date with the value of todays date in the format 2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z in UTC time and add +5 minutes.

Creating a Loadbalance Pool

A Loadbalance pool consists of a attributes defining a pool, and should contain a backend pool to work

Adding a Pool

A Pool defines a group of backends. a pool needs a listener when in proxy mode, but when only using dns based loadbalancing this can be omitted

Usable in the settings for: loadbalancer.pools where a pool is named using a uniq poolname

Key Option Default Values Description
[..listener'] describes to where the pool should listen on, and how it should handle requests
[..listener'] ip string IP address where the Pool should listen on when using the internal loadbalancer
[..listener'] port 80 int Port the pool should listen on for requests
[..listener'] mode "http" http/https/tcp The protocol this listener should support. Available: "http", "https", "tcp"
[..listener] httpproto 2 int Set to 1 to enforce HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/2 http requests (required for websockets)
[..listener.tls] tls none see TLS Attributes TLS settings for use with this listener (required for https)
[[..inboundacl]] array of acls see ACL Attributes Inbound ACLs are applied on incomming traffic from a client, before beeing sent to a backend server. ACLs on the listener are applied to all backends
[[..outboundacl]] array of acls see ACL Attributes Outbound ACLs are applied on outgoing traffic from a webserver, before beeing sent to the customer. ACLs on the listener are applied to all backends
[[..inboundrule]] array of (multiline) strings see Rules Script Inbound Rules is a script of whiles which are applied on incomming traffic from a client, before beeing sent to a backend server. Rules on the listener are applied to all backends
[[..outboundrule]] array of (multiline) strings see Rules Script Outbound Rules is a script of whiles which are applied on outgoing traffic from a webserver, before beeing sent to the customer. Rules on the listener are applied to all backends
[[..errorpage]] see ErrorPage Attributes Specifies a custom error page, to show if errors do occur. When adding an error page to a pool, it applies to all backends
[[..backends]] see Backend Attributes Specifies the backends for a pool
[[..healthchecks]] see Healthcheck Attributes a healtcheck put on a pool, will affect ALL backends of this vip (e.g. usefull for testing your internet connectivity)

Adding a Backend

A Pool can have multiple Backend only if the listening mode of the pool is http or https. for tcp there can be only 1 backend.

Usable in the settings for: backends where a backend is named using a uniq backendname

Key Option Default Values Description
[[.backendname.inboundacl]] array of acls see ACL Attributes Inbound ACLs are applied on incomming traffic from a client, before beeing sent to a backend server.
[[.backendname.outboundacl]] array of acls see ACL Attributes Outbound ACLs are applied on outgoing traffic from a webserver, before beeing sent to the customer.
[.backendname.errorpage] see ErrorPage Attributes Specifies a custom error page, to show if errors do occur.
[.backendname.dnsentry] see BackendDNS Attributes Specifies which DNS entry to balance across this backend. The DNS entry will point to the loadbalance that can serve requests to this backend
[..backendname.balance] see Balance attributes Balance defines the balance modes for this backend.
[[.backendname.healthchecks]] array of healthchecks see Healthchecks Attributes Healthchecks specifie what to check in order to determain if the backend is serving requests.
[..backendname] healthcheckmode "all" all/any Specifies wether all or only 1 check should succeed before the backend is marked as down
[..backendname] hostnames ["arrayofstrings"] List of hostnames this backend serves. the client is redirected to this backend base on the client request header. This applies to http(s) only
[..backendname] connectmode "http" string how do we connect to the backend see Connection Methods below
[[..backendname.nodes]] array of nodes that are part of this backend
[[..backendname.nodes]] ip string IP of backend node
[[..backendname.nodes]] port int port of backend node
[[..backendname.nodes]] name string name of backend node
[[..backendname.nodes]] preference int preference of node for preference based loadbalancing
[[..backendname.nodes]] local_topology string local topology group name of node for preference based loadbalancing

Connection Methods

The following connection methods are available for connecting to a backend: Type | Description --- | --- http | for serving http requests to the backend node https | for serving https requests to the backend node tcp | for serving tcp requests to the backend node internal | for not sending a request to a backend but handle this internaly (see example on Http to Https redirect)

Adding Static DNS Records

You can add static DNS entries to Mercury. You might want this if you want to loadbalance a your TLD domain. ( instead balancing sub domains (

Note that if your using Mercury as DNS server, that we do not yet support DNSSEC

the records contains a array of hashes with dns records

Usable in the settings for: dns

Key Option Default Values Description
[[..records]] name string host name of the dns record for the domain (e.g. "www")
[[..records]] type string type of dns record (e.g. "A")
[[..records]] target string target of the record (e.g. "")

Static DNS Records examples:

Below are some examples of common DNS records: example A record for dns1 (in the previously defined domain)

name = "dns1"
type = "A"
target = ""

example ipv6 record pointing dns1 to a ipv6 ip

name = "dns1"
type = "AAAA"
target = "::1"

example NS record for the domain to point to

name = ""
type = "NS"
target = ""

example SOA record for the domain

name = ""
type = "SOA"
target = " ###SERIAL### 3600 10 10"

example MX record for the domain to with a preference of 20

name = ""
type = "MX"
target = "20"